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Can We Understand the Bible in the Same Way?


Can we understand the Bible in the same way? Let’s face it, we are unique individuals with diverse backgrounds. We think differently from one another at times. What about the Bible? Is it possible for each of us to differ when it comes to the eternal truth of God? The Bible teaches God’s Word is truth (cf. Psalm 119:160; John 17:17). Thus, we understand that God’s Word is absolute truth. So, why do so many groups, including many educated men, disagree with the Lord’s church?

One might say, “We cannot understand the Bible the same way and that is okay.” I find this remarkable, considering all the interactions we have in a day that require us to make the right interpretation. For instance, if you were to head up to the turnpike, once you go through the gate at Afton, you have a choice. If you were intending on going to Tulsa, you would cross the overpass, if you were intending on heading to Joplin, you would take the first right and not cross the overpass. Is it possible for all the people who wanted to go to Tulsa from Afton to interpret the signs in the same way? Is it possible that that sign presents absolute truth? Yes, it most certainly does.

The Bible Demands Unity of All Who Would Be Called Christians

We are called to unity in the body of Christ. To be in Christ is to be a part of His body (cf. Rom. 12:4-5). Those who are in the body are to be of the same mind (Rom. 12:16). We have the same Scriptures, the old and the new that call us to unity. Romans 15:4-6 reads,

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that through patience and through comfort of the scriptures we might have hope. Now the God of patience and of comfort grant you to be of the same mind one with another according to Christ Jesus: that with one accord ye may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The unity of the spirit in the bond of peace is what we are to keep (cf. Eph 4:3). So how can we who claim to be one have differing understandings of the absolute truth?

            Unity is not an option for those who would follow Christ, it is a command.

Now I beseech you, brethren, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfected together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

(1 Cor. 1:10)

Is it impossible for us to speak the same thing if some who claim Christ have made additions?

The Cessation of Inspiration

            The New Testament addresses this issue plainly that there would be a time where inspiration would cease, that is the Word of God would be complete.  However, there are some this very day claiming dreams, nudging, ecstatic utterances, visions from God. 1 Corinthians 13:8-10,

Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall be done away; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall be done away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away.

See also Ephesians 4:11-16.

There was a time coming that these things would cease, when the perfect (complete) is come. The perfect, and complete Word was accomplished within the first century. Jude 3 reads “Beloved, while I was giving all diligence to write unto you of our common salvation, I was constrained to write unto you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints.”

What would be the purpose of inconsistent men with vague, and fallible “prophecies” when we have the perfect revealed Word of God?  Peter reminds us,

Grace to you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that his divine power hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue

(2 Peter 1:2-3)

Equality in Interpretations?

Shall we treat them all who claim their own understanding the same? Shall we consider everyone who says that God spoke to them with the same reverence (Joan of Arc, Joseph Smith, David Koresh)? Why not?  Are not these individuals allowed to have their own understanding? It has been said that we cannot all understand the Word of God alike.  Shall we consider every interpretation of God’s Word as valid, thus making it optional and unclear? Even this cannot be the intentions of a good and merciful God who commands us to love Him and keep His commandments (cf. John 14:15, 15:14, et. al). If God’s Word is true and sufficient, would we need any creeds? No, not at all.

            Can we all see the Bible in the same way? If we want unity in the spirit and the bond of peace we must. If we want no divisions, we must speak the same thing. The most basic aspect of this is that we need to understand how to get into Christ the same. The Bible does not teach a sinner's prayer where one accepts Jesus into their heart.  If you look through all of your New Testament you will never find it. The Bible teaches that for one to be saved one must hear (Romans 10:17), believe (John 3:16), repent (Acts 2:38), confess Christ (Matthew 10:32), and be baptized for the purpose of remission of sin (Mark 16:16).  Without all of those elements satisfied, one is lost.

            Friends, I mean no harm in writing such things, in fact it is quite the opposite. I want all to be saved, that is the Father’s will as well. “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to you-ward, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

Grace and Peace,


R.D. Beavers


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