This week we will begin a series on the qualifications of elders. We know the pattern for the New Testament church is that elders be appointed in every congregation (cf. Titus 1:5). Each of those who would be appointed as elders must be fully qualified according to what the Holy Spirit has revealed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4, and Acts 20:28. We are very blessed to have good and godly men, Bob, Jack, and Gary, who have served and continue to serve well. With Bob and Colene’s relocation, our elders have taken the task of looking at adding a man to the eldership. It is important that all of the congregation be invested in our study of such an important role in the Lord’s church.
When elders are appointed, they must be fully qualified according to the Scriptures. If they are not fully qualified, they must not serve in that role. A brother made the observation recently that it is easier to get a man in than it is to get him out. So it is of the utmost importance when a congregation seeks to follow the pattern and add to or establish an eldership that they keep in mind that a man must be clearly, without a doubt, qualified according to God’s Word and not what we might hope or want to be true.
There are many good men that serve diligently in the Lord’s church that are not qualified. Some are permanently disqualified; others may not be qualified yet. The latter is what we will run into most often, so the congregation needs to be equally encouraging our men as young as teens to seeketh the office of a bishop, because the Spirit saith by doing so he desireth a good work (cf. 1 Timothy 3:1). It is possible that one may have children that are still innocents. It is possible the man has some things he will need to work on in his own life and his household before he can serve in the most important job in the world.
A man continues in that office as long as he is qualified. If he remains faithful, and all of the qualifications remain being met, he can remain an elder. Let us not confuse this with the erroneous idea of once an elder always an elder. We understand that the Spirit saith that a man must be a husband of one wife (Titus 1:6). If by chance a man's spouse dies, he is no longer a husband of one wife, and he is no longer an elder in the Lord’s church. If a man becomes a brawler, ideally he would recognize this and step down immediately. Most elders would step down if they were no longer qualified to do the work, and that’s a good thing when we recognize the gravity of the job that an elder does.
What does one do when an elder is no longer qualified and will not step down? God’s Word has made a provision on what must take place if an elder is no longer qualified and will not acknowledge he is no longer qualified. “Against an elder receive not an accusation, except at the mouth of two or three witnesses. Them that sin reprove in the sight of all, that the rest also may be in fear” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20). This is the only way, because this is the only way God gave us through His Inspired Word.
To bring an accusation against an elder is a very serious matter. This is designed to root out the sophomoric, trivial feelings of some. We understand that our process should even begin before this in that we follow the pattern laid out in Matthew 18. Talk to a brother, if he will not listen, bring 1 or 2 others (2 or 3 witnesses), and if he will not listen, bring it before the church. This very same practice of church discipline is laid out here. To reprove a man has a purpose, that the rest may be in fear. To serve as an elder is the greatest work in the world, but no elder is left unchecked. All are amenable to the law of Christ.
It is my hope that the next series of sermons will be ones that are beneficial to the entire congregation. It is my hope that each man that may be considered will truly examine the scriptures and check himself and his household thoroughly to see if he is now capable of leading the church of the Living God to heaven.
Grace and Peace,
R.D. Beavers
Next Week: Part 2 Answering the error of Reaffirmation of Elders
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