Are you thankful it is over? What is over? The constant barrage of political advertisements on television, YouTube, and in our mail. However, if the Lord does not return first, it is coming back. It will happen again every 2 years just like it has since our nation's founding. There will even be special elections and local elections that will happen in the meantime, but now you can take a rest for a while. As temporary citizens of the United States, we understand this is the way our nation is governed. The problem we have though is that some would have the church of our Lord operate like the government in our own land. Some congregations have imported a denominational practice of reaffirmation of elders. It was recently brought to my attention that a congregation in Arkansas has elected to do this. I attempted to ask one of their elders to describe the process and the authority by which they came to this conclusion. The Lord’s church mu...
All articles are based on a full respect of the authority of the Inspired Scripture. The Bible is the perfect revealed Word of God (2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Cor 13:10, Jude 3). Our hope is that you will open your Bibles and check each assertion against the Inspired Word.