Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants' fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. John 18:36
Worldliness: we are warned of it in the Word of God frequently. Even though you hear it spoken against in Bible studies and sermons, it still creeps into congregations every year. Yet it does not usually start on a Sunday or Wednesday meeting. It usually starts with compromise from the people. This is evident in the days of old as men failed to obey the commands of God. In one generation after the death of Joshua, the people of Israel knew not Jehovah, nor yet the work which He had wrought for Israel (Judges 2:10). A nation that was called to be the people of God descended into a nation in which every man did that which was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21:25). Brethren, this is why we must always be on guard for the temptation to fall into the snare of worldliness.
In order to combat this, we can learn from the words of Jesus. His kingdom is not of this world; it never was and never will be. If we are seeking to be acceptable to men more than presenting acceptable worship and service to the Most High God, is it not sin? Jesus said that worldly kingdoms would have fought with worldly measures. God intentionally set up this kingdom unlike the kingdoms of men. The kingdoms of men fight and sacrifice all to preserve the life of their kings. The kingdom of God was so designed that the King of Kings would sacrifice His life to save yours. The next time you are tempted to view the church/kingdom in a worldly manner, remember the words of Jesus and what they meant for His church/kingdom.
Grace and Peace,
R.D. Beavers
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