“But so much the more went abroad the report concerning him: and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed of their infirmities. But he withdrew himself in the deserts, and prayed.”
Luke 5:15-16
We all want to be more like Jesus each and every day that we live on this earth. We aim to do so because of the grace we have been shown by our God. We all seek to change our actions based on the change of mind we had when we repented and were clothed with Christ in baptism (Acts 2:38,3:19, Gal 3:27). To become more like our Lord, we will have to look at how the Word describes His life and His actions.
Jesus was Constantly Prayerful
This week, I will begin a series on prayer. I have no definite number of lessons on this subject, so it is hard to tell how long it will go. However, as I study the life of Jesus, it is certain that prayer was a continual practice in His life and ministry. If we aim to be like Jesus while we live on this earth, we will be constantly prayerful. So what are some aspects of the type of prayerful man Jesus was?
A Secluded Place can be A Prayerful Place
The Lord was known to withdraw from all the crowds that were following Him at times to stop and pray. The Lord withdrew in this instance to the deserts. The deserts aren’t exactly the most appealing or inviting place, but it is the place the Lord selected. The inhospitable landscape provided seclusion away from all that went on with being Jesus. The crowds, the sick, the lame, the Pharisees, the tax collectors, the disciples, and all were at a distance and the Lord was able to be in communion with the Father.
What is Keeping Me From Being Prayerful Like Jesus?
Jesus instructs us that at times when we pray, we should withdraw to a secluded place to pray. This is not an excuse to be antisocial but an encouragement to make time to be alone with God. With the means of modern technology, we often find it hard to be alone. Some of us do not know exactly what to do with time without a device nearby. Jesus instructed us after all, “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall recompense thee” (Matt 6:6). This privacy allows us to focus on our prayer, and it leads to more meaningful prayer.
Today if you want to be more like Jesus, then begin to pray like Jesus. If our Lord showed a deep need for the Father when He took on the flesh of a man, then how can we deny our need to speak to our Father in prayer?
Grace and Peace,
R.D. Beavers
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