“I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all in like manner perish.” Luke 13:3
Sixteen years ago this week a young man named Shannon Hoon died of an accidental drug overdose at the age of 28. If the name is not familiar to you, then perhaps you know the name of the band he fronted, Blind Melon. The band was most famous for the song "No Rain,” which blew up in 1993 and led to much success for their freshman self-titled album. However, as his band enjoyed this success, Mr. Hoon fought addiction of both alcohol and harder drugs, namely cocaine. One morning his band mates found him unresponsive on their tour bus. This story is so very sad but is often repeated, especially among the young, rich, and famous. What is even more telling is that Mr. Hoon desired to change, one of the less known songs he wrote is entitled as such. He wanted to stop and so he went to rehab. He wanted to be a better father, but he would not change.
Some men asked Jesus about two situations where some particular individuals faced a particularly heinous death. First mentioned are men of Galilee whose blood Pilate had mixed with sacrifices after their death (cf. Lk 13:1-2). In another instance, they mentioned the eighteen who died when the tower of Siloam fell on them. The men asked in regards to the former, “Were these Galileans worse than other Galileans?” (cf. Lk 13:4) They asked Jesus if He thought the latter were sinners above all the others living in Jerusalem. These are good questions, but notice the perfect answer that Jesus gives in both circumstances.“I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all in like manner perish.” We may think of heinous deaths and say, “Wow! That's a horrible way to go.” We may think of drug addicts and see how risky behavior leads to death. However, any man who will not repent will perish. This includes even those who die peacefully and surrounded by their loved ones.
Repentance is a real change of mind, and it is required for one to become a Christian. Repentance is a resolve that one can no longer live in open rebellion against the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Repentance is ongoing in the life of every Christian once converted and must occur. Mr. Hoon wanted to change but he had trouble following through and it cost him his life; it cost him his soul. Mr. Hoon’s death is certainly sad but any person who dies outside of Christ goes from a horrible situation to worse. It is my hope that you will truly seek the repentance that God requires of man and obey the full Gospel of Christ.
Grace and Peace,
R.D. Beavers
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