And Jehosophat the king of Judah returned to his house in
peace to Jerusalem. And Jehu the
And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and
said to king Jehosophat,
Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the
Lord? Therefore is wrath upon
From upon the Lord. 2
Chronicles 19:1-2
was a good king (cf. 1 Kings 22:43) but when you read the words of Jehu son of
Hanani you would not think that was true. These were certainly sharp words but
what else would you expect from one tasked with reproving a king? Our society
is full of so many who have become passive and ineffective. These individuals
would rather just keep their head down and take whatever is dealt out to them
from the powers at be. We have become so passive that our attitude has been “go
along to get along” even in the Lord’s church. Things must change. The writing
is on the wall if we do not change and assert the Word of the Lord.
We have
become so used to accepting anything and everything that is supposed spiritual.
I find countless examples of men who are teaching denominational error in their
pulpits and advocating the latest book du jour of the celebrity preacher ilk. How
much more will the people stomach, I ask? This was the sentiment of Jehu son of
Hanani. Shouldest thou help the ungodly? What is the basis of such an
accusation? We look to 1 Kings 22:44 and find that Jehosophat made peace with
the King of Israel. The northern kingdom of Israel was an apostate kingdom.
Sure they wore the name of the patriarch, but their hearts were far from the Lord.
The kingdom was founded on idolatry by Jeroboam, and the sin and destructive
treachery that was the common practice of the land was ever-present. Jehu was
amazed at the actions of a good king who would make peace with a rebellious
apostate kingdom. He asks why love them that hate the Lord? God’s wrath is
proclaimed by the prophet.
We cannot
help the ungodly for their mission is the mission of the accuser Satan. They
only seek to lead me down the paths where their souls will be eternally lost.
Moreover, if we are really concerned for the souls of the lost, would we turn
them to that from which we are aiming to save them? May we ever resolve to love
the Lord, love our brethren, and love the lost enough to share with the them
the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we are content to tolerate, accommodate,
and appreciate those who teach error, we are accessories to their demise.
Please understand that even good brethren make mistakes, but we cannot allow
them to continue in error or help them in their error. Faithful men will reprove those in error. Sometimes
it is only one man that stands between one man and eternity in hell.
Grace and Peace,
R.D. Beavers
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