According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation
of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Ephesians 1:4
Do you
know how important the church is? Paul, an inspired Apostle, had something to
say about the church. These things apply to the church as a whole (cf.
Eph. 1:1). It is important to take into
account that all the things we read in the following applies to the church. Remember
all spiritual blessings are in Christ (cf. Eph. 1:3). So we must apply what we
read in verse 4 to the church (those in Christ). This is particularly important
when we come to words like we see in Eph. 1:4.
Let us examine a few descriptions and promises
that Paul recorded. We are chosen! How valuable does the Lord consider the
church? Chosen calls to mind that He sought and selected the bride of
Christ. Eklego, the Greek word that is used, means to pluck out,
select, or to choose for oneself. How did He choose us? Simply in Him. Paul
said so to remind us of the location of those whom He chose (in Christ). To be
in Him is to be in the body, the bride, the church, the kingdom of
The church
was not an afterthought or back up plan. To say such is to blaspheme the bride
of Christ, the plan of God. Think about how important it is to be chosen. The
church was chosen in a sense before the foundation of the world. In creation,
God made man in His own image to have fellowship with the man and his wife in
the garden that He created. When the fall occurred, Jehovah provided a plan to
redeem man from the transgression that occurred, and we see that established
throughout the Word through Noah, the patriarchs, Moses, and David which all led
the faithful to reconciliation in Christ. The church was God’s chosen plan. He
chose that the church would be the only institution in which men would be made
holy and without blame. Only through association and submission to Jesus can we
be made so. This is only found in Christ. To be part of the called out and chosen
ones, each must choose to obey the Gospel of Christ and be added to His chosen
vessel by which men are saved, the church that belongs to Christ. Any
other plan is incompatible and a different gospel.
Grace and Peace,
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