But of that day and that hour
knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but
the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. Mark
No one knows the day nor the time.
In a moment's notice, the Lord could very well return. At the time you are
reading this, are you ready? If you have obeyed the Gospel, that is great;
there is nothing like the assurance that we have fought the good fight and
remained faithful unto death, quenching fiery darts of the devil (cf. 2 Tim
4:7; Rev. 2:10; Eph. 6:16). There are so many things that we can do to be ready:
we can study, we can sing, and we can teach others. But, Jesus reminds us of
two other critical elements of our preparation for the coming of the Lord. Take
ye heed, watch and pray.
Watching carries the idea of
anticipation. God desires that we will watch and wait on the Lord, anticipating
His coming and always on the ready. The second part of this command is to pray.
While we watch, we can certainly be better prepared with constant communication
with our Father. He loves us and desires to hear from us, not just when we feel
like we need Him.
These instructions would prove
themselves to be critical, not only to all future Christians, but, to the
disciples who heard it first. We cannot forget the account of Jesus' prayer in
the garden of Gethsemane right before He was handed over. These very same
disciples were asleep when Jesus had instructed them to wait on Him (cf. Mark
14:37-42). Brethren, may we always be ready on watch, prayerfully anticipating
the coming of the great day of the Lord.
Grace and Peace,
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