Experiences and knowledge are the things that shape your outlook on life. It’s one thing to know something, but it is another thing to experience it. Take parenting for example. Have you ever met the single person who knows how to rear children better than someone who actually has children? Sure you have. There is a difference between theoretically knowing something and actually doing it. Going through experiences helps our knowledge of various circumstances, which is really called wisdom. Continuing with the thought from previous weeks, after our wreck our perspectives changed. Most of our knowledge had not changed, but we had a new way to look at things. Let me share with you a few lessons we have learned. Hold Tight to the Ones You Love You never know when the last moment will be that you get to spend time with the ones you love. We are not promised a tomorrow...
All articles are based on a full respect of the authority of the Inspired Scripture. The Bible is the perfect revealed Word of God (2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Cor 13:10, Jude 3). Our hope is that you will open your Bibles and check each assertion against the Inspired Word.